In today’s global market, counterfeiting is, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Counterfeit items have a large impact on the end user, the companies in the production supply chain, and the manufacturer.
Entice consumers to pick up and purchase your product with this reliable and modern handle! The new Mini Side Mount Handle complements any small and lightweight package. Requiring just two simple holes, once inserted the two self-locking feet leave plenty of space inside for the product.
Frustration-Free Packaging, Here’s What & Why
In today’s e-Commerce world, packaging must grab consumers’ attention, as well as meeting sustainability goals. With the consumer and environment in mind, Amazon has mandated that all its vendors that
Commonly utilized in transportation and storage, Allen Field's Box Corner Guard can reinforce the structure of plastic corrugated boxes and create stackable packaging. The Corner Guard is molded with a 90-degree angle and is available in 5mm and 10mm widths, to accommodate varying coroplast boards.
Over 100 New Products Available!
They say time flies when you are having fun. Well then, we’ve been having a lot of fun with our exciting new product line since we acquired the American Handle
In November, Allen Field proudly rolled out the Wheel Eze, our most innovative solution for the packaging industry. Whether you are packaging fitness equipment, construction material, furniture, or a mattress, the wheel Eze will make any package more mobile and enhance the overall customer experience.
3 Reasons Why You Need A Specialized Handle
When 33% of American shoppers admit they base their perception of a company on the product packaging, it is vital to communicate the value of your product with customized packaging.
Allen Field's support plates work in unison with the plastic handles. Designed specifically for use with the Hi-Line Flex Handle, which holds up to 65 lbs., the 35795 Support Plate offers extra support for the handle when engaged in carrying.
Integrated Solutions for Shelf Ready Packaging
Shelf Ready Packaging (SRP) has proven itself to be an effective way to quickly restock, display, and sell products. As more and more retailers request SRP systems for their stores,
At the West Pack 2019, Allen Field unveiled the newest product in the Hang Tab series -- the 540 Super Duty Hang Tab! Like the other swivel hang tabs, the 540 tab folds down for shipping convenience and display readiness.