Experience live product demos, product galleries, direct chats, surprising show specials, and more! Visit Allen Field’s eight demo sessions to get the latest insight from our packaging experts!
We help customers translate ideas into finished products through superior project management every step of the way. If your project also requires focus on design for manufacturing and high-quality engineering, contact us now!
We offer an extensive variety of POP aids that help create professional retail displays. Benefits include: Fast and easy assembly; showcase your brand name and product info; simple styles complement all product types and sizes. Check out these essential products today!
Strapping is most common but also has inherent problems that lead to damaged packaging and returns / rejects. This is most apparent on thinner corrugated walls. Our HP403 works on single-wall applications and will improve packaging designs by eliminating strapping.
Your packaging represents your brand’s promise to deliver a quality product and an extraordinary experience. Effective packaging inspires purchases while also creating a ripple effect that resonates with the targeted consumers, making
Side Mount Handles Save the Day
Many clients add a plastic carrying handle to enhance their packaging and improve the customer experience. This often contributes to brand loyalty and increased sales. There are times, however, when the value of
As all of us work together to combat the COVID-19 virus, Allen Field is providing products to businesses that have been deemed “essential” or “life sustaining”. We are fully operational to help these industries ensure continuity of functions that are important to the public health and wellbeing.
New Product Development – Material Matters!
Thermoplastic injection molding is an immensely powerful and versatile manufacturing process. Many of the consumer products that people buy and use every day are either completely injection molded or have
Packaging professionals often dismiss the use of connecting clips because of the “cost”. We understand the pressure to keep packaging costs to a minimum. If the scenarios below affect your packaging along the supply chain, our clips will save money, or help increase sales.
Packaging Components can be Sustainable
According to EcoWatch, Americans use roughly 500 billion plastic bags and 35 billion plastic water bottles a year. Most of us have used and dropped plastic items into recycling bins,