Febrero de 2024
Brillo del bambú: Elegancia ecológica
Descubra soluciones sostenibles para transportar y colgar sus productos con los últimos componentes Kraft de Allen Field.
Brillo del bambú: Elegancia ecológica
Discover sustainable solutions for carrying and hanging your products with Allen Field’s latest Kraft Components. Our holistic lineup now includes the T Mango de bambúfabricado con fibra de bambú de primera calidad de origen natural 100%. Combinado con nuestro Placa de soporte Kraft T, made from all-natural paper, this dynamic duo is designed to assist you in reaching your sustainability objectives, reducing your environmental impact.
En Allen Field, nos enorgullece presentar nuestra amplia Componentes Kraft que incluye asas EnviroHandles, placas de soporte de asas Kraft y ganchos y perchas totalmente naturales. Explore hoy mismo estas opciones ecológicas para sus necesidades de envasado.

Más ventajas del bambú en los envases
- Reliable Strength and Durability
- Minimal Environmental Impact
- Aligns with an Eco-conscious Brand Image
- Aesthetic Allure
Bamboo provides packaging designers with a sustainable alternative, boasting exceptional renewability, reusability, and biodegradability. Allen Field’s EnviroHandles reflect our commitment to this eco-friendly revolution.

¡Alerta de noticias adorables!
One of our team members has a delightful new addition with paws and a wagging tail — a corgi pup who’s already stealing hearts in the office. In the spirit of unleashing cuteness, we’re inviting you to virtually meet our new office heartthrob.

At Allen Field, our focus extends beyond the work desk to include wagging tails and spontaneous smiles. As we navigate the daily hustle, these moments of puppy love remind us to find joy in the little things. Keep an eye out for more updates brimming with tail-wagging charm and delightful moments. Until then, let the treats keep coming and the good vibes rolling!